Which river is known as Chittur River?

The river that is known as Chittur River, also called Chitturpuzha, is a tributary of the Bharathapuzha River (also known as the Nila River) in the southern Indian state of Kerala. The river originates in the Anaimalai Hills in the Western Ghats, and it ….
[Video] Chittur puzha – Soka Nasini River – A Tributary of Bharatha Puzha
Chittur puzha – Soka Nasini River – A Tributary of Bharatha Puzha, Kerala – during the heavy monsoon rains of 2018. Captured on 15th August 2018 9 AM Captured from Chittur Puzha Bridge near Govt. College Chittur. നിറഞ്ഞൊഴുകുന്ന ചിറ്റൂർ പുഴ – ഭാരതപുഴയുടെ ഒരു പോഷകനദി Youtube Video Link: Subscribe to Youtube channel of TattaMangalam: നിറഞ്ഞൊഴുകുന്ന ചിറ്റൂർ […]
Chuttur puzha is filling up fast as Aliyar Dam opens

Chuttur puzha is filling up fast as Aliyar Dam opens