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Tattamangalam Perumkulam Repair & Renovation Started – Photos and Videos

Tattamangalam Perumkulam Repair & Renovation Started

Photos of Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 

  • Perumkulam is a pond located in Tattamangalam ( Palakkad District, Kerala Stata, India )
  • In Malayalam and Tamil Perum Kulam Means – Large Pond. 
  • The Pond is owned by Chittur-Tattamangalam Municipality
  • The pond is being repaired and renovated by Chittur-Tattamangalam Municipality 
  • Perumkulam on Google Map Opens in a new tab

Video of Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 


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Click on the below links for high resolution photographs

  1. Photograph #1 Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 2020
  2. Photograph #2 Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 2020
  3. Photograph #3 Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 2020
  4. Photograph #4 Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 2020
  5. Video #1 Tattamangalam Perumkulam repair and renovation 2020

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